Chico Chagas
This Brazilian cultural matrix positions Chico Chagas globally... Curation
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The Integrated Global Creative Economy
Chico Chagas
Rio de Janeiro
Rio Branco, Acre
Life & Work
Chico Chagas é natural da Amazônia Brasileira, nasceu em Rio Branco – Acre, onde viveu até os dezesseis anos. Viveu no Rio de Janeiro por mais de 20 anos onde tocou com grandes nomes da música nacional e internacional. Viveu por três anos na Europa, entre Alemanha, França e Inglaterra. Durante este período dedicou a maior parte do seu tempo a estudos em busca de aperfeiçoamento.
Chico Chagas é acordeonista, pianista, baixista, compositor e arranjador. Filho, neto e bisneto de acordeonistas, Chico segue levando a tradição na arte de tocar acordeon pelo mundo afora: uma combinação da autêntica música brasileira com uma releitura jazzística. Chico é um dos poucos acordeonistas brasileiros que tocam a música da Amazônia.
Acordeonista desde os 7 anos de idade, começou a tocar profissionalmente aos 8 anos em um trio de forro, o Trio Mirim. No Rio de Janeiro estudou harmonia no CIGAM, improvisação com Dário Galante, piano popular com o Maestro Leandro Braga e, em Londres estudou acordeon clássico com o acordeonista inglês Romano Viazzani. É formado em Música pela Faculdade de Música do Espírito Santo – FAMES.
Em 2006 lançou o CD ‘E por Falar Em Acordeon’ pelo selo Rob Digital.
No exterior, fez um grupo com o saxofonista britânico Dave O’Higgins, que foi duas vezes eleito o melhor sax jazz player de UK. Em 2009 Chico Chagas, ganhou o prêmio de ‘Melhor Show de Jazz’ no Kaunas Jazz Festival, na Lituânia, onde participavam João Bosco, Paquito D’Rivera, entre outros. Tendo como repertório somente as suas composições, o grupo tocou em importantes festivais da Inglaterra e viajou a Europa e Asia. Um CD foi gravado e ainda está em fase de acabamento.
Em outubro de 2010 gravou um CD em Torino na Itália com os músicos Aldo Mela e Enzo Zirilli.
Ainda em 2010, Chico foi convidado a escrever um livro sobre ‘Accordion Jazz”. O convite foi feito pela Royal Academy of Music, por meio do professor Owen Murray, responsável pela cadeira de acordeon da RAM.
No mesmo ano participou do festival de filmes brasileiros na Alemanha, dividindo o palco com os principais músicos de Stuttgart – Alemanha, como Franco Petrocca, Lorenzo Petrocca, Hans Fickelscher, o percussionista Bohdan Janke e o saxofonista Alexander Kuhn, entre outros. Nesse período, tocando no Forró de Domingo, teve a ideia de tocar clássicos em ritmo de forró, sob a influência do jazz. Assim surgiu a ideia do repertório de seu segundo CD.
Chegando no Brasil criou o Chico Chagas Acordeon Trio com os músicos Alexandre Cavallo no baixo e Christiano Galvão na bateria e percussão.
Em 2011 a Beltrami Accordions (Fisarmonicas Beltrami), da Itália, lançou o acordeon Modelo Chico Chagas.
Em 2012 lançou o CD ‘Um Chopin no Bach Ouvindo Um Forró’ com música erudita em ritmos nordestinos pela Mills Records. O CD ganhou menção honrosa no Melhores da Música Brasileira pelo site EMBRULHADOR. Nos últimos anos tem trabalhado muito no mercado nacional fazendo shows e gravações com artistas brasileiros como Boca Livre, Roberta de Sá, Núria Mallena, Monique Kessous, Rachid Camargo, Vanessa da Mata, Mariene de Castro, Gaby Amarantos, entre outros… Também foi um dos acordeonistas que gravou a trilha do filme ‘Gonzaga – De pai para filho’, filme que conta a história de Luiz Gonzaga.
Em dezembro de 2012 em homenagem aos 100 anos de Luiz Gonzaga montou o show “Gonzaga in Jazz” com Vanessa Rodrigues (Piano e Violino), André Tandeta (Bateria), Maurício Oliveira (Baixo Acústico) e Chico Chagas (Acordeon, Piano e Arranjos). Este continua sendo apresentado até hoje.
Em 2013 esteve em turnê solo em seis países da Europa, Alemanha, Portugal, Espanha, Suíça, França e Itália.
Participou em 2013 do Festival Internacional de Acordeon de Belo Horizonte com o show Chico Chagas Acordeon Trio (Christiano Galvão – bateria e Alexandre Cavallo – baixo).
Participou em 2014 do Festival Internacional de Acordeon de Caxias do Sul com o show Chico Chagas Solo, compôs e gravou a trilha sonora do filme curta metragem “Passaro de Papel” de Léo Alves.
Em janeiro de 2015 lançou o CD “O Mundo Mágico de Maria”, 13 lindas composições infantis em piano e acordeon inspirados no nascimento da sua primeira filha Maria Luisa.
Em maio de 2015 ganhou o 1º Lugar no Festival de Rialma com a composição inédita Prelúdio.
Em setembro de 2015 lançou o seu sonho, um CD de Bossa Nova e Samba Jazz, “Bossa Jazz”, completamente autoral e com direção musical de Nelson Faria. O CD ganhou menção honrosa no Melhores da Música Brasileira pelo site EMBRULHADOR. Pela terceira vez participou do Rock in Rio, fazendo um Tributo à Cássia Eller, relembrando o Rock in Rio 3 de 2001.
Em 2015, 2016 e 2018 esteve presente no Festival Internacional da Sanfona – Juazeiro – BA, com o grande show Chico Chagas Band.
Chico Chagas fez inúmeras gravações para a TV Globo, dentre elas duas aberturas de novela. Gravou a abertura de “Chocolate com Pimenta”, e sua gravação mais recente, na abertura da novela “Segundo Sol”.
Participa de Festivais no Brasil e no mundo com workshops, shows, juris, curadoria e como concorrente.
Chico Chagas fez turnê em Israel em janeiro de 2019.
Chico Chagas is a native of the Brazilian Amazon, born in Rio Branco – Acre, where he lived until the age of sixteen. He spent over 20 years in Rio de Janeiro, playing with prominent figures in both national and international music. He also lived in Europe for three years, including Germany, France, and England, during which he devoted most of his time to studies for improvement.
Chico Chagas is an accordionist, pianist, bassist, composer, and arranger. As the son, grandson, and great-grandson of accordionists, Chico continues the tradition of playing the accordion worldwide, blending authentic Brazilian music with a jazz interpretation. He is one of the few Brazilian accordionists who play music from the Amazon.
Starting to play the accordion at the age of 7, he began his professional career at 8 in a forró trio called Trio Mirim. In Rio de Janeiro, he studied harmony at CIGAM, improvisation with Dário Galante, popular piano with Maestro Leandro Braga, and in London, classical accordion with English accordionist Romano Viazzani. He holds a degree in Music from the Faculty of Music of Espírito Santo – FAMES.
In 2006, he released the CD 'E por Falar Em Acordeon' under the Rob Digital label.
Abroad, he formed a group with British saxophonist Dave O’Higgins, a two-time winner of the best UK jazz sax player award. In 2009, Chico Chagas won the 'Best Jazz Show' award at the Kaunas Jazz Festival in Lithuania, where he shared the stage with João Bosco, Paquito D’Rivera, among others. The group, exclusively performing his compositions, played at major festivals in England and toured Europe and Asia. A CD was recorded and is still in the finishing stages.
In October 2010, he recorded a CD in Turin, Italy, with musicians Aldo Mela and Enzo Zirilli.
Also in 2010, Chico was invited to write a book on 'Accordion Jazz' by the Royal Academy of Music, through Professor Owen Murray, responsible for the accordion chair at RAM.
In the same year, he participated in the Brazilian film festival in Germany, sharing the stage with leading musicians from Stuttgart, Germany, such as Franco Petrocca, Lorenzo Petrocca, Hans Fickelscher, percussionist Bohdan Janke, and saxophonist Alexander Kuhn, among others. During this period, playing at the Forró de Domingo, he had the idea of playing classics in a forró rhythm, influenced by jazz. Thus, the repertoire for his second CD was born.
Upon returning to Brazil, he formed the Chico Chagas Accordion Trio with musicians Alexandre Cavallo on bass and Christiano Galvão on drums and percussion.
In 2011, the Beltrami Accordions (Fisarmonicas Beltrami) from Italy launched the Chico Chagas accordion model.
In 2012, he released the CD 'Um Chopin no Bach Ouvindo Um Forró' with classical music in Northeastern rhythms by Mills Records. The CD received an honorable mention in the Best of Brazilian Music by the EMBRULHADOR website. In recent years, he has worked extensively in the national market, performing shows and recordings with Brazilian artists such as Boca Livre, Roberta de Sá, Núria Mallena, Monique Kessous, Rachid Camargo, Vanessa da Mata, Mariene de Castro, Gaby Amarantos, among others. He was also one of the accordionists who recorded the soundtrack for the film 'Gonzaga – De pai para filho,' a movie that tells the story of Luiz Gonzaga.
In December 2012, in honor of Luiz Gonzaga's 100th birthday, he created the show "Gonzaga in Jazz" with Vanessa Rodrigues (Piano and Violin), André Tandeta (Drums), Maurício Oliveira (Double Bass), and Chico Chagas (Accordion, Piano, and Arrangements). This show continues to be presented to this day.
In 2013, he toured solo in six European countries: Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, France, and Italy.
He participated in the 2013 International Accordion Festival in Belo Horizonte with the Chico Chagas Accordion Trio (Christiano Galvão - drums and Alexandre Cavallo - bass).
In 2014, he participated in the International Accordion Festival in Caxias do Sul with the solo show Chico Chagas Solo, composed and recorded the soundtrack for the short film "Passaro de Papel" by Léo Alves.
In January 2015, he released the CD "O Mundo Mágico de Maria," featuring 13 beautiful children's compositions on piano and accordion inspired by the birth of his first daughter, Maria Luisa.
In May 2015, he won 1st place at the Rialma Festival with the original composition Prelúdio.
In September 2015, he realized his dream, releasing a CD of Bossa Nova and Samba Jazz, "Bossa Jazz," completely original and with musical direction by Nelson Faria. The CD received an honorable mention in the Best of Brazilian Music by the EMBRULHADOR website. For the third time, he participated in Rock in Rio, paying tribute to Cássia Eller and recalling the Rock in Rio 3 of 2001.
In 2015, 2016, and 2018, he was present at the International Accordion Festival in Juazeiro - BA, with the grand show Chico Chagas Band.
Chico Chagas made numerous recordings for TV Globo, including two soap opera openings. He recorded the opening for "Chocolate com Pimenta," and his most recent recording was in the opening of the soap opera "Segundo Sol."
He participates in festivals in Brazil and worldwide, conducting workshops, shows, judging, curating, and as a competitor.
Chico Chagas toured Israel in January 2019.
Quotes, Notes & Etc.
Ainda em desenvolvimento:
Chico Chagas and Dave O’Higgins project (somente composições autorais)
Chico, Enzo and Aldo (Italia – Chico assina 80% das composições)
No Brasil e no mundo tocou/gravou/apresentou-se ao lado de nomes como:
A Cor do Som – (Show / 2011)
Adriana Calcanhoto – (CD – Cantada / 2002)
Adriano Giffoni – (CD – Contrabaixo Brasileiro / 1996)
Alceu Valenca – (CD – Forro Lunar / 2001)
Aldo Mela – (CD /2010)
Alexandre Cavallo – (Shows 2006 à 2017) (CD – 1 + 1 / 2006)
Ana de Hollanda – (Engomadinho)
Beth Carvalho – (CD – Beth Carvalho conta o Samba da Bahia ao VIVO / 2007) (DVD – Beth Carvalho ao VIVO no Festival de Montreux)
Breno Silveira – Trilha do longa-metragem – Gonzaga De Pai Pra Filho / 2012)
Boca Livre – (CD – Boca Livre 20 anos convida / 1998)
Caetano Veloso – (CD – Noites do Norte / 2000)
Carlinhos Brown – (CD – Beth Carvalho canta o Samba da Bahia ao VIVO / 2007)
Carlos Malta – (Shows)
Cássia Eller – (Shows 1999 a 2001) (CD – Sítio do Pica Pau Amarelo – Cuca Te Pega / 2001) (CD/DVD – Com Você… Meu Mundo Ficaria Completo / 1999) (CD/DVD – Cassia Eller ao VIVO – Rock in Rio IV / 2001-2006) (Tributo a Cássia Eller – Rock in Rio VI / 2015)
Cauby Peixoto – Rádio Nacional (Show / 2004)
Chico Cesar – (CD – Mama Mundi / 2000)
Christiano Galvão – (Shows 2006 a 2017) (CD – 1 + 1 / 2006)
Clara Becker – (CD – Dois Maior de Grande / 2006)
Daniela Mercuy – (Chiclete com Banana com Beth Carvalho)
Djavan – (CD – Songbook João Bosco – Volume 3 / 2003)
Diversos interpretes e Coletâneas – (CD – Candeia – Eterna Chama / 1998) (CD – Beatles “N” Choro / 2002) (CD – Songbook Braguinha / 2002) (CD – Songbook João Bosco – Vol. 3 / 2003) (CD – Lisbela e o Prisioneiro / 2003) (CD – Da Boca Pra Fora / 2005) (CD – MPB de Raiz / 2006)
Dave Chamberlain – (Shows 2008 a 2010)
Dave O’Higgins – (Shows 2008 a 2010) (Prêmio de ‘Melhor Show de Jazz’ no Kaunas Jazz Festival, na Lituânia / 2009)
Dona Ivone Lara – (CD – Nasci para Cantar e Sonhar / 2001)
Dudu Nobre – (CD – Chegue Mais / 2002)
Elba Ramalho – (CD – Casa do Forro) (CD – Tum Tum Tum) (Show Grande Encontro 2)
Elza Soares – (Shows 2001 a 2004) (Diretor musical e arranjador no show – Do Cóccix Até O Pescoço – premiado como melhor show do ano)
Enzo Zirilli – (CD / 2010)
Fred Martins – (CD – Janelas / 2001) (CD – Tempo Afora / 2007) (CD – Guanabara / 2009)
Gaby Amarantos – (Sou Mais Eu – Single /2018)
Genival Lacerda – (CD /2019)
Geraldo Azevedo – (Show Grande Encontro 2 – 1997) (Shows – Raízes e Frutos / 1998 e 1999)
Gilberto Gil – (CD – Quanta) (CD – Beth Carvalho canta o Samba da Bahia ao VIVO / 2007)
Graça Gomes – (Diretor musical e arranjador) (CD – Apurinã / 2003) (CD / 2013)
Guilherme de Brito – (CD – Samba Guardado / 2001)
Guto Goffi – (Shows / 2013) (CD / 2013)
Humberto Araújo – (CD – Choro Criolo / 2004)
Infraero – (Vinheta em todos os aeroportos do Brasil 2018/2019)
Ivete Sangalo – (CD – Festa / 2001) (CD – Sítio do Pica Pau Amarelo – Narizinho / 2001)
John Parricceli – (Shows 2008 a 2010)
João Bosco – (Show / 2009 / 2013)
Jussara Silveira – (CD – Entre o Amor e o Mar / 2006)
Leonardo Alves – (Trilha Curta Metragem – Pássaro De Papel / 2014) (Trilha Documentário – Espírito São / 2017)
Leonardo Lorena – (CD – Peregrina Cor / 2017)
Liz Rosa – (Shows – 2012 / 2013)
Márcio Faraco – (CD – Interior /2003)
Márcio Lott – (CD – Em Cantos Gerais / 2005)
Margareth Menezes – (Show – São João / 2016)
Maria Bethânia – (CD – Que Falta Você Me Faz / 2005)
Mariana Baltar – (CD – Uma Dama Também Quer Se Divertir / 2006)
Mariene de Castro – (Shows e programas de tv / 2013 e 2014)
Marina Lima – (CD – Setembro / 2001)
Martinho da Vila – (CD – Martinho da Vila, da Roça e da Cidade / 2001)
Milton Banana Trio – (Piano) (Show)
Milton Nascimento – (CD – Boca Livre 20 anos convida / 1998)
Miúcha – (CD – Outros Sonhos / 2007)
Monique Kessous – (CD – Com Essa Cor / 2008) (CD – Monique Kessous / 2010) (Shows – 2011 a 2013)
Morais Moreira – (Shows / 1996 a 2001) (CD – Estados / 1996) (CD – 50 Carnavais / 1997) (CD – 500 Sambas / 1999) (CD – Bahião com H / 2000)
Mu Carvalho – (CD – Óleo sobre Tela / 2005) (CD – Mu Carvalho ao VIVO / 2008)
Nana Caymmi – (CD – Quem Inventou o Amor / 2007)
Nelson Faria – (Shows – 2015 / 2016) (Programa Um Café Lá Em Casa / 2016) (Nelson dirigiu Chico na gravação do CD Bossa Jazz / 2015)
Nicolas Krassik – (CD – Na Lapa / 2004 – Gravação de música autoral Forró de Ça Va) (CD – Caçuá / – Gravação de música autoral Festa na Casa de Zezé)
Núria Mallena – (Shows / 2012) (CD – Nú / 2013)
Naná Vasconcelos – (CD – Chegada / 2005 – Gravação de música autoral Voo 2364)
Olivia Byington – (CD – Olivia Byington / 2007)
Osvaldo Pereira – (CD – As Árvores / 2005)
Patocan – (CD – PatOcan / 2016)
Paulinho Boca de Cantor – (A Sombra Da Solidão)
Paulinho Tapajós – (CD – Par ou Ímpar / 2006)
Paulo Moura – (CD – Estação Leopoldina / 2003)
Pinduca – (CD / 2019)
Rachid Camargo – (Diretor musical e arranjador) (CD – Em studio / 2013)
Rick Vallen – (CD – 2012)
Rita Ribeiro – (CD – Comigo / 2001)
Robertinho de Recife – (CD – Casa do Forró)
Roberto Marques – (CD – Trombone do Brasil / 1998)
Rodrigo Fragoso – (CD – 2014)
Rodrigo Lessa – (CD – Par ou Ímpar / 2006) (CD – Das Ilhas´ Mestiças / 2007)
Silvério Pontes – (Shows / 2012)
Simon Mulligan – (Shows / 2009)
Spok Frevo Orquestra – (Gravação da música autoral de Chico Chagas, Frevança, gravada pelo Spok / 2016) (Show – Convidado especial / 2017)
Stevie Rubi – (Shows / 2009)
System – (Segundo Sol – Abertura da novela Segundo Sol / 2018)
Torcuato Mariano – (CD – Diário / 2004)
Trio Forrozão – (Direção Musical, Produção, Arranjados e Acordeons) (CD – Agitando a Rapaziada / 1999) (CD – Na Batida da Zabumba / 2000) (CD – Na puxada de rede / 2006) (CD – Amor & Forró Pé De Serra / 2013)
Vanessa da Mata – (CD – Vanessa da Mata / 2002) (Shows e homenagem a Luiz Gonzaga / 2012)
Zé da Velha – (Shows / 2012)
Zé Paulo Beker – (CD – Sob o Redentor / 2004)
Zé Ramalho – (Show Grande Encontro 2 – 1997)
Zé Renato – (CD – Filosofia – Sobre as músicas de Chico Buarque e Noel Rosa / 2000)
Zeca Pagodinho – (CD – Água da Minha Sede / 2000) (CD – Deixa a Vida me Levar / 2002)
E muitos outros….
Clips (more may be added)
There are certain countries, the names of which fire the popular imagination. Brazil is one of them; an amalgam of primitive and sophisticated, jungle and elegance, luscious jazz harmonics — there’s no other place like it in the world. And while Rio de Janeiro, or its fame anyway, tends toward the sophisticated end of the spectrum, Bahia bends toward the atavistic…
It’s like a trick of the mind’s light (I suppose), but standing on beach or escarpment in Salvador and looking out across the Baía de Todos os Santos to the great Recôncavo, and mindful of what happened there (and here; the Bahian Recôncavo was final port-of-call for more enslaved human beings than any other place throughout the entirety of mankind’s existence on this planet, and in the past it extended into what is now urban Salvador), one must be led to the inevitable conclusion that one is in a place unique to history, and to the present:
Brazil absorbed over ten times the number of enslaved Africans taken to the United States of America, and is a repository of African deities (and their music) now largely forgotten in their lands of origin.
Brazil was a refuge (of sorts) for Sephardim fleeing an Inquisition which followed them across the Atlantic (that unofficial symbol of Brazil’s national music — the pandeiro — was almost certainly brought to Brazil by these people).
Across the parched savannas of the interior of Brazil’s culturally fecund nordeste/northeast (where wizard Hermeto Pascoal was born in Lagoa da Canoa — Lagoon of the Canoe — and raised in Olho d’Águia — Eye of the Eagle), much of Brazil’s aboriginal population was absorbed into a caboclo/quilombola culture punctuated by the Star of David.
Three cultures — from three continents — running for their lives, their confluence forming an unprecedented fourth. Pandeirista on the roof.
That's where this Matrix begins:
Wolfram MathWorld
The idea is simple, powerful, and egalitarian: To propagate for them, the Matrix must propagate for all. Most in the world are within six degrees of us. The concept of a "small world" network (see Wolfram above) applies here, placing artists from the Recôncavo and the sertão, from Salvador... from Brooklyn, Berlin and Mombassa... musicians, writers, filmmakers... clicks (recommendations) away from their peers all over the planet.
This Integrated Global Creative Economy (we invented the concept) uncoils from Brazil's sprawling Indigenous, African, Sephardic and then Ashkenazic, Arabic, European, Asian cultural matrix... expanding like the canopy of a rainforest tree rooted in Bahia, branches spreading to embrace the entire world...
Recent Visitors Map
Great culture is great power.
And in a small world great things are possible.
Alicia Svigals
"Thanks, this is a brilliant idea!!"
—Alicia Svigals (NEW YORK CITY): Apotheosis of klezmer violinists
"Dear Sparrow: I am thrilled to receive your email! Thank you for including me in this wonderful matrix."
—Susan Rogers (BOSTON): Director of the Berklee Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory ... Former personal recording engineer for Prince; "Purple Rain", "Sign o' the Times", "Around the World in a Day"
"Dear Sparrow, Many thanks for this – I am touched!"
—Julian Lloyd Webber (LONDON): Premier cellist in UK; brother of Andrew (Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar, Cats, Phantom of the Opera...)
"This is super impressive work ! Congratulations ! Thanks for including me :)))"
—Clarice Assad (RIO DE JANEIRO/CHICAGO): Pianist and composer with works performed by Yo Yo Ma and orchestras around the world
"We appreciate you including Kamasi in the matrix, Sparrow."
—Banch Abegaze (LOS ANGELES): manager, Kamasi Washington
"Thanks! It looks great!....I didn't write 'Cantaloupe Island' though...Herbie Hancock did! Great Page though, well done! best, Randy"
"Very nice! Thank you for this. Warmest regards and wishing much success for the project! Matt"
—Son of Jimmy Garrison (bass for John Coltrane, Bill Evans...); plays with Herbie Hancock and other greats...
I opened the shop in Salvador, Bahia in 2005 in order to create an outlet to the wider world for magnificent Brazilian musicians.
David Dye & Kim Junod for NPR found us (above), and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (he's a huge jazz fan), David Byrne, Oscar Castro-Neves... Spike Lee walked past the place while I was sitting on the stoop across the street drinking beer and listening to samba from the speaker in the window...
But we weren't exactly easy for the world-at-large to get to. So in order to extend the place's ethos I transformed the site associated with it into a network wherein Brazilian musicians I knew would recommend other Brazilian musicians, who would recommend others...
And as I anticipated, the chalky hand of God-as-mathematician intervened: In human society — per the small-world phenomenon — most of the billions of us on earth are within some 6 or fewer degrees of each other. Likewise, within a network of interlinked artists as I've described above, most of these artists will in the same manner be at most a handful of steps away from each other.
So then, all that's necessary to put the Brazilians within possible purview of the wide wide world is to include them among a wide wide range of artists around that world.
If, for example, Quincy Jones is inside the matrix, then anybody on his page — whether they be accessing from a campus in L.A., a pub in Dublin, a shebeen in Cape Town, a tent in Mongolia — will be close, transitable steps away from Raymundo Sodré, even if they know nothing of Brazil and are unaware that Sodré sings/dances upon this planet. Sodré, having been knocked from the perch of fame and ground into anonymity by Brazil's dictatorship, has now the alternative of access to the world-at-large via recourse to the vast potential of network theory. the degree that other artists et al — writers, researchers, filmmakers, painters, choreographers...everywhere — do also. Artificial intelligence not required. Real intelligence, yes.
Years ago in NYC (I've lived here in Brazil for 32 years now) I "rescued" unpaid royalties (performance & mechanical) for artists/composers including Barbra Streisand, Aretha Franklin, Mongo Santamaria, Jim Hall, Clement "Coxsone" Dodd (for his rights in Bob Marley compositions; Clement was Bob's first producer), Led Zeppelin, Ray Barretto, Philip Glass and many others. Aretha called me out of the blue vis-à-vis money owed by Atlantic Records. Allen Klein (managed The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Ray Charles) called about money due the estate of Sam Cooke. Jerry Ragovoy (Time Is On My Side, Piece of My Heart) called just to see if he had any unpaid money floating around out there (the royalty world was a shark-filled jungle, to mangle metaphors, and I doubt it's changed).
But the pertinent client (and friend) in the present context is Earl "Speedo" Carroll, of The Cadillacs. Earl went from doo-wopping on Harlem streetcorners to chart-topping success to working as a custodian at PS 87 elementary school on the west side of Manhattan. Through all of this he never lost what made him great.
Greatness and fame are too often conflated. The former should be accessible independently of the latter.
Yeah this is Bob's first record contract, made with Clement "Sir Coxsone" Dodd of Studio One and co-signed by his aunt because he was under 21. I took it to Black Rock to argue with CBS' lawyers about the royalties they didn't want to pay (they paid).
Matrix founding creators are behind "one of 10 of the best (radios) around the world", per The Guardian.
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