Walter Pinheiro
This Brazilian cultural matrix projects Walter Pinheiro globally... Curation
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The Integrated Global Creative Economy
Walter Pinheiro
São Paulo
Life & Work
Flautista, saxofonista, professor, arranjador e compositor especializado em música instrumental brasileira e jazz. Bacharel em flauta transversal pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) em 1997, este eclético instrumentista fez especialização na Berklee College of Music – Boston- USA de 2000/02.
Desde 2008 se apresenta na cena do choro de São Paulo tendo participado, entre outros eventos específicos do gênero, do "Festival Chorando Sem Parar" em 2015 com sua banda Gafieira do Pinheiro, no Teatro Arthur de Azevedo - Sede do Clube do Choro de São Paulo, bem como na Roda da Virada Cultural de 2015.
Dentre seus trabalhos mais recentes está a Gafieira do Pinheiro – banda de música instrumental que relembra a sonoridade das bandas de baile das décadas de 40 e 50; o Grupo Batutas do Coreto - grupo de música tradicional brasileira que dentre outros trabalhos se apresentou no XI Festival de Poesia da Escola da Vila e no SESC; Em 2010 teve seu primeiro disco solo lançado no “Instrumental SESC Brasil”, um álbum duplo independente. Som na Brasa e Regional Brasileiro constituem seu portfólio de composições, além de obras dos mestres Heraldo do Monte, Maurício Carrilho, Zeca Freitas, Zé Barbeiro, Muari Vieira e Luiz Cavalcante e que conta com a participação de grandes nomes da música Instrumental Brasileira; Nenê Trio, Luciana Rabello, Celsinho Silva, Milton Mori, Roberta Valente, Manito, Paulo Aragão, Vinícius Dorin bem como, Maurício Carrilho e Zé Barbeiro.
Atua como instrumentista na “Orquestra de Frevo Capibaribe” e “Fervo da Vila”; para o grupo do sociólogo, historiador e sambista Tadeu Kaçula, com quem participou do evento - Sambando no Municipal em comemoração do Dia Nacional do samba - 02.12.2019. Evento do qual Walter Pinheiro também compôs o palco principal do Teatro Municipal de São Paulo acompanhando os artistas mais representativos da cena do samba da cidade. Show dirigido por Everson Pessoa (ex-Quinteto Branco e Preto) com Fabiana Cozza, Germano Matias, Petróleo, Demônios da Garoa, Wilson Sucena, Wladimir Rosa, Nãnãnã da Portela, Tobias da Vai Vai e velha da Guarda da Vai- Vai, da Nenê e da Camisa Verde-Branco.
É músico da Freedom Big Band, cuja banda se apresentou no Festival Internacional Jazz a La Calle 2019 - Mercedes - Uruguai e com quem Walter Pinheiro foi solista ao lado de Rex Richardson, Georgina Jackson, Scott Belck e Morris Nortcutt. no Trumpet Jazz Festival - 5ª Edição. Tem se apresentado em casas de jazz como Blue Note SP e Bourbom Street com o guitarrista norte americano Mark Lambert e com a banda de soul music Mr. Skobah.
Além de toda dedicação aplicada aos estudos e realizações artísticas voltadas exclusivamente para a sua música, Walter Pinheiro foi flautista da Banda Jazz Sinfônica de Diadema de 2011 a 2013, cujo grupo participou do 45th Montreux Jazz Festival - Suíça em julho/2011 e se apresentou com Hermeto Paschoal em dezembro de 2011. É integrante do grupo ‘’Saxomania’’. Junto com o grupo Saxomania se apresentou no teatro FECAP e no Bourbon Street acompanhando o trombonista “Raul de Souza”. Na renomada casa de jazz foi realizada a gravação e transmissão ao vivo do cd Sala dos Professores – Eldorado FM, com arranjos de Walter Pinheiro. Prestando homenagem ao trombonista o grupo Saxomania, participou do programa Mosaico pela TV Cultura de São Paulo onde o grupo gravou, para sua própria promoção o programa Sr. Brasil. Participou do Festival de Jazz - Sesc Santana, Jazz na Praça – Sesc Pinheiros, do projeto de inclusão social “Ouvir para Crescer”, realizado pela Associação Teatro Cultura Artística de São Paulo e dividiu o palco do Sesc Pompéia com o trompetista “Márcio Montarroyos” no projeto “Um Sopro de Brasil”.
Como instrumentista acompanhou Claudete Soares, além de tocar com Silvinho Mazzuca, Mozar Terra, Ulisses Rocha, Alessandro Penezzi, Naylor “Proveta” Azevedo, Alexandre Ribeiro, Filó Machado, Laércio de Freitas, Maestro Branco, Edu Ribeiro, Luizinho 7 Cordas, Marcinho Eiras, Fabio Torres, Tomati, David Richards, Naor Gomes, Célio Barros, Pepe Cisneros, Nenê, Alberto Luccas, Moisés Alves, Yaniel Matos, Rogério Botter Maio, Carlos Roberto Oliveira, Vanessa Falabella...
Nos Estados Unidos se apresentou no Berklee Performance Center, Harvard University, Reggatta Bar, Ryles Jazz Club, Choppin’ Block, ao lado de renomados músicos como: Bob Wiener, Alon Yavnai, Oscar Stagnaro (baixista do Paquito D`Rivera, com quem gravara em 2001), Fernando Huergo, Teresa Inês, José e Vinicius Pianasola, Daniel Iam Smith, Dave Maxwel, Fernado Brandão, Sergio Brandão, Felipe Salles, Sula da Silva, João Marcos Gomes Mascarenhas, Leo Blanco, entre outros.
De 2013 a 2015 o “Duo Madeira de Lei”, formado por Chico Macedo e Walter Pinheiro, apresentou uma série de concertos didáticos realizados em várias escolas do SESI dentro do estado de São Paulo contemplados pelo Edital de Chamamento Arte-Educação SESI 2012.
Desenvolveu trabalho didático específico de 2003 à 2014 – “Espaço Musical Eszterháza” – Colégio Santo Américo, onde é Regente/Instrutor do projeto social intitulado“Projeto Sinfônico Eszterháza”,com crianças das creches de Paraisópolis, Jardim Colombo e Vila Morce – Morumbi – S.P., mantido pelas Obras Sociais do Mosteiro São Geraldo.
Em julho de 1996 apresentou-se juntamente com o coral infantil “Misto Quente” no “International Chorus in Concert” (Alemanha) e na ISME, “International South Music Education” (Holanda).
Contact Information
+55 11 99182-1995
Clips (more may be added)
This is a small-world open-curation network initially created so that magnificent but unknown (to the wide-world) Bahian artists might be eminently discoverable by humanity everywhere. However! For the Matrix to function for the Bahians it must function for ALL artists/creators:
There are certain countries, the names of which fire the imagination. Brazil is one of them, an amalgam of primitive and sophisticated, jungle and elegance, luscious jazz harmonics...there’s no other place like it in the universe. The Integrated Global Creative Economy (we invented the concept) uncoils from this sprawling Indigenous, African, Sephardic and then Ashkenazic, Arabic, European, Asian cultural matrix — concatenating branches of a virtual rainforest tree rooted in Bahia, canopy spreading to embrace the entire planet...
Ex Terra Brasilis
Starting point for this project was the culture born in Brazil's quilombos (in Angola a "quilombo" is a village; in Brazil it is a village either founded by Africans or Afro-Brazilians who had escaped slavery, or — as in the case of São Francisco do Paraguaçu below — occupied by such after abandonment by the ruling class):
...theme music for a Brazilian Matrix, from an Afro-Brazilian Mass by
From inside this Matrix, all creators-creative entities everywhere — empowered by the mathematics of network theory — become potentially discoverable by all people worldwide. Go straight to one of the (randomly selected) creators-creative entities below to see how their Matrix Page — information and media, outgoing and incoming curation — works (reload to feature other artists/creators), or find out below the black line below what unsung (metaphorically only) brilliance this is all about:
More on these profound incubators of Afro-Brazilian culture at:
Os Quilombos da Bahia
The Quilombos of Bahia
It’s like a trick of the mind’s light (I suppose), but standing on beach or escarpment in Salvador and looking out across the Baía de Todos os Santos to the great Recôncavo, and mindful of what happened there (the Bahian Recôncavo was final port-of-call for more enslaved human beings than any other place throughout the entirety of mankind’s existence on this planet), one must be led to the inevitable conclusion that one is in a place unique to history, and to the present:
Brazil absorbed over ten times the number of enslaved Africans taken to the United States of America, and is a repository of African deities (and their music) now largely forgotten in their lands of origin.
Brazil was a refuge (of sorts) for Sephardim fleeing an Inquisition which followed them across the Atlantic (that unofficial symbol of Brazil’s national music — the pandeiro — was almost certainly brought to Brazil by these people).
Across the parched savannas of the interior of Brazil’s culturally fecund nordeste/northeast (where wizard Hermeto Pascoal was born in Lagoa da Canoa — Lagoon of the Canoe — and raised in Olho d’Águia — Eye of the Eagle), much of Brazil’s aboriginal population was absorbed into a caboclo/quilombola culture punctuated by the Star of David.
Three cultures — from three continents — running for their lives, their confluence forming an unprecedented fourth. Pandeirista on the roof.
That's where this Matrix begins:
Wolfram MathWorld
The idea is simple, powerful, and egalitarian: To propagate for them, the Matrix must propagate for all. Most in the world are within six degrees of us. The concept of a "small world" network (see Wolfram above) applies here, placing artists from the Recôncavo and the sertão, from Salvador... from Brooklyn, Berlin and Mombassa... musicians, writers, filmmakers... clicks (recommendations) away from their peers worldwide.
Recent Visitors Map
Great culture is great power.
And in a small world great things are possible.
Alicia Svigals
"Thanks, this is a brilliant idea!!"
—Alicia Svigals (NEW YORK CITY): Apotheosis of klezmer violinists
"Dear Sparrow: I am thrilled to receive your email! Thank you for including me in this wonderful matrix."
—Susan Rogers (BOSTON): Director of the Berklee Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory ... Former personal recording engineer for Prince; "Purple Rain", "Sign o' the Times", "Around the World in a Day"
"Dear Sparrow, Many thanks for this – I am touched!"
—Julian Lloyd Webber (LONDON): Premier cellist in UK; brother of Andrew (Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar, Cats, Phantom of the Opera...)
"This is super impressive work ! Congratulations ! Thanks for including me :)))"
—Clarice Assad (RIO DE JANEIRO/CHICAGO): Pianist and composer with works performed by Yo Yo Ma and orchestras around the world
"We appreciate you including Kamasi in the matrix, Sparrow."
—Banch Abegaze (LOS ANGELES): manager, Kamasi Washington
"Thanks! It looks great!....I didn't write 'Cantaloupe Island' though...Herbie Hancock did! Great Page though, well done! best, Randy"
"Very nice! Thank you for this. Warmest regards and wishing much success for the project! Matt"
—Son of Jimmy Garrison (bass for John Coltrane, Bill Evans...); plays with Herbie Hancock and other greats...
I opened the shop in Salvador, Bahia in 2005 in order to create an outlet to the wider world for magnificent Brazilian musicians.
David Dye & Kim Junod for NPR found us (above), and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (he's a huge jazz fan), David Byrne, Oscar Castro-Neves... Spike Lee walked past the place while I was sitting on the stoop across the street drinking beer and listening to samba from the speaker in the window...
But we weren't exactly easy for the world-at-large to get to. So in order to extend the place's ethos I transformed the site associated with it into a network wherein Brazilian musicians I knew would recommend other Brazilian musicians, who would recommend others...
And as I anticipated, the chalky hand of God-as-mathematician intervened: In human society — per the small-world phenomenon — most of the billions of us on earth are within some 6 or fewer degrees of each other. Likewise, within a network of interlinked artists as I've described above, most of these artists will in the same manner be at most a handful of steps away from each other.
So then, all that's necessary to put the Brazilians within possible purview of the wide wide world is to include them among a wide wide range of artists around that world.
If, for example, Quincy Jones is inside the matrix, then anybody on his page — whether they be accessing from a campus in L.A., a pub in Dublin, a shebeen in Cape Town, a tent in Mongolia — will be close, transitable steps away from Raymundo Sodré, even if they know nothing of Brazil and are unaware that Sodré sings/dances upon this planet. Sodré, having been knocked from the perch of fame and ground into anonymity by Brazil's dictatorship, has now the alternative of access to the world-at-large via recourse to the vast potential of network theory. the degree that other artists et al — writers, researchers, filmmakers, painters, choreographers...everywhere — do also. Artificial intelligence not required. Real intelligence, yes.
Years ago in NYC (I've lived here in Brazil for 32 years now) I "rescued" unpaid royalties (performance & mechanical) for artists/composers including Barbra Streisand, Aretha Franklin, Mongo Santamaria, Jim Hall, Clement "Coxsone" Dodd (for his rights in Bob Marley compositions; Clement was Bob's first producer), Led Zeppelin, Ray Barretto, Philip Glass and many others. Aretha called me out of the blue vis-à-vis money owed by Atlantic Records. Allen Klein (managed The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Ray Charles) called about money due the estate of Sam Cooke. Jerry Ragovoy (Time Is On My Side, Piece of My Heart) called just to see if he had any unpaid money floating around out there (the royalty world was a shark-filled jungle, to mangle metaphors, and I doubt it's changed).
But the pertinent client (and friend) in the present context is Earl "Speedo" Carroll, of The Cadillacs. Earl went from doo-wopping on Harlem streetcorners to chart-topping success to working as a custodian at PS 87 elementary school on the west side of Manhattan. Through all of this he never lost what made him great.
Greatness and fame are too often conflated. The former should be accessible independently of the latter.
Yeah this is Bob's first record contract, made with Clement "Sir Coxsone" Dodd of Studio One and co-signed by his aunt because he was under 21. I took it to Black Rock to argue with CBS' lawyers about the royalties they didn't want to pay (they paid).
Matrix founding creators are behind "one of 10 of the best (radios) around the world", per The Guardian.
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