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Manu Katché
Life & Work
Formation classique, Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, à l'origine, le musicien Manu Katché est destiné à une carrière prestigieuse de percussionniste au sein d'un orchestre symphonique. Probablement, c'est l'une des raisons du "son Katché" qui fait que son coup de baguette est reconnu par les mélomanes avertis. Un coup de baguette qui le détourne du classique pour le mener au jazz, puis au pop-rock. Très rapidement, on le retrouve sur scène et en studio, aux côtés de grands artistes français tels que Goldman, Souchon, Chedid, Catherine Lara, Michel Jonasz, mais c'est Peter Gabriel qui propulse sa carrière en lui demandant de tenir la batterie pour l'album "So".
Certains musiciens refusent d'être catégorisés, au risque de déranger les plus timorés. C'est le privilège de Manu, capable d'assimiler toutes les influences et de s'adapter à tous les styles.
Immédiatement, le son très distinctif de sa batterie attire l'attention des stars du pop-rock et lui ouvre les portes des studios et des grandes scènes internationales. Ainsi, il enregistre pour Joni Mitchell, Sting, Dire Straits, Tears for Fears, The Christians, Robbie Robertson, Joan Armatrading, Paul Young, Tracy Chapman, Youssou N’Dour, Pino Danielle, Simple Minds, Joe Satriani, Richard Wright, sans oublier ses compatriotes francophones tels que Véronique Sanson, Francis Cabrel, Laurent Voulzy, Stephan Eicher, Michel Petrucciani, entre autres.
En termes de reconnaissance officielle, les récompenses s'accumulent : première Victoire de la Musique pour les "Meilleurs arrangements" en 1986, deuxième Victoire en 1987 pour le titre de "Meilleur musicien de studio". Il est également sacré "Meilleur batteur de l'année" la même année par "Modern Drummer". Sa troisième Victoire de la Musique intervient en 1996 pour la bande originale du film "Un Indien dans la ville". En 1996, le Drum Festival de Montréal lui décerne un prix, suivi en 2004 par l'inscription au titre de Chevalier des Arts et Lettres par le Ministre de la Culture. Enfin, sa contribution musicale au Musée Grévin et sa future représentation en cire confirment la renommée du véritable artiste qu'est Manu Katché.
Salué et récompensé à la fois comme musicien exceptionnel et compositeur de talent, il ne renonce jamais à ses premières amours : le jazz. En témoigne la création de son groupe "Manu Katché Tendances" en 2004, avec lequel il entreprend des tournées internationales, et son intérêt pour le "jazz nordique" du saxophoniste norvégien Jan Garbarek avec son album "Neighbourhood" en 2005, édité chez la légendaire maison de disques de Manfred Eicher : ECM Records. Du côté des albums, le suivant, "Playground", sort chez ECM/Universal en 2007, suivi de "Third Round" en mars 2010 (toujours chez ECM/Universal). Le dernier opus de Manu, simplement intitulé "Manu Katché", voit le jour le 29 octobre 2012 (ECM/Universal). Les formations sont renouvelées à chaque tournée.
De 2007 à fin 2010, Manu Katché anime "One Shot Not" sur Arte tous les jeudis vers 23h. Fin mars 2010, il présente une nouvelle émission, "Musicalities", sur France Inter de 22h à minuit.
En 2012, Manu reprend les baguettes pour la tournée anniversaire de "So" avec Peter Gabriel. En 2013, il publie "Roadbook" aux éditions du Cherche Midi, où il relate sa carrière internationale.
En 2014, Manu Katché sort "Live in concert" sur le label ACT avec Jim Watson, Tore Brunborg et Luca Aquino, après une tournée marathon de plus de 150 concerts à travers le monde.
Un nouvel album en quintet (avec Ellen Andrea Wang à la basse), "Unstatic", sort le 11 mars 2016 chez Anteprima Productions / Musicast.
Il donne son premier concert à l'Olympia en tant que leader : "Manu Katché & Friends" le 7 avril 2016 avec une pléiade d'invités dont Sting, Stephan Eicher, Richard Bona, Raul Midon, Noa.
En 2017/2018, il explore la formule du quartet en enregistrant "The Scope" avec un compagnon de longue date à la basse : Jérôme Regard, le guitariste Patrick Manouguian, qui accompagne aussi bien des grands noms du jazz que de la variété française, et le réalisateur de l'album et pianiste Elvin Galland.
Classically trained at the National Conservatory of Music in Paris, Manu Katché was destined for a prestigious career as a percussionist within a symphony orchestra. This is likely one of the reasons behind the "Katché sound," making his drumming unmistakable to discerning music lovers. A drumming style that steers him away from classical music and leads him towards jazz, and later pop-rock. Soon enough, he is found on stage and in the studio, alongside great French artists like Goldman, Souchon, Chedid, Catherine Lara, Michel Jonasz, but it is Peter Gabriel who propels his career by asking him to play the drums for the album "So."
Some musicians refuse to be categorized, risking unsettling the more timid. This is the privilege of Manu, capable of embracing all influences and adapting to all styles.
Immediately, the distinctive sound of his drums catches the attention of pop-rock stars and opens doors to international studios and stages. Thus, he records for Joni Mitchell, Sting, Dire Straits, Tears for Fears, The Christians, Robbie Robertson, Joan Armatrading, Paul Young, Tracy Chapman, Youssou N’Dour, Pino Danielle, Simple Minds, Joe Satriani, Richard Wright, without neglecting his French counterparts such as Véronique Sanson, Francis Cabrel, Laurent Voulzy, Stephan Eicher, Michel Petrucciani, among others.
On the official recognition front, things progress well: the first Victoire de la Musique for "Best Arrangements" in '86, a second Victoire in '87 for "Best Studio Musician"; crowned "Best Coming Up Drummer of the Year" the same year by "Modern Drummer," he adds his third Victoire de la Musique in 1996 for the soundtrack of the film "Un Indien dans la ville." In '96, the Montreal Drum Festival awards him, and in 2004, the Minister of Culture honors him as a Knight of Arts and Letters. Lastly, his musical creation for the Grévin Museum and soon his wax effigy confirm the notoriety of the authentic character that is Manu Katché.
Acknowledged and rewarded both as an exceptional musician and a talented composer, he never gives up on his first love: jazz. This is evident in the creation of his group "Manu Katché Tendances" in 2004, with which he undertakes international tours, and his appetite for the "Nordic jazz" of Norwegian saxophonist Jan Garbarek with his album "Neighbourhood" in 2005, released by the legendary record label ECM Records of Manfred Eicher. On the album front, the next one, "Playground," is released by ECM/Universal in 2007, followed by "Third Round" in March 2010 (still with ECM/Universal). Manu's latest opus, simply titled "Manu Katché," sees the light on October 29, 2012 (ECM/Universal). Formations are renewed for each tour.
From 2007 to the end of 2010, Manu Katché hosts "One Shot Not" on Arte every Thursday around 11 pm. In late March 2010, he introduces a new show, "Musicalities," on France Inter from 10 pm to midnight.
In 2012, Manu takes up the drumsticks again for the anniversary tour of "So" with Peter Gabriel. In 2013, he releases "Roadbook" by Éditions du Cherche Midi, where he recounts his international career.
In 2014, Manu Katché releases "Live in Concert" on the ACT label with Jim Watson, Tore Brunborg, and Luca Aquino, after a marathon tour of over 150 concerts worldwide.
A new quintet album (with Ellen Andrea Wang on bass), "Unstatic," is released on March 11, 2016, by Anteprima Productions / Musicast.
He gives his first concert at the Olympia as a leader: "Manu Katché & Friends" on April 7, 2016, with a plethora of guests including Sting, Stephan Eicher, Richard Bona, Raul Midon, Noa.
In 2017/2018, he explores the quartet formula by recording "The Scope" with a longtime companion on bass: Jérôme Regard, the guitarist Patrick Manouguian, who accompanies both jazz greats (Dee Dee Bridgewater, Minino Garay, Didier Lockwood...) and French variety artists (Bernard Lavilliers, Florent Pagny...), and the album's producer and pianist Elvin Galland.
Contact Information
Personal Management
[email protected]
10, place du Général Catroux 75017 Paris
Phone +33 1 45 08 00 00
Contact concerts
[email protected]
Clips (more may be added)
Uncoiling from a vast Indigenous, African, Sephardic and then Ashkenazic, Arabic, European, Asian, cultural matrix...
The Integrated Global Creative Economy
Creators worldwide closely united by the graph-theoretical mathematics of...
The Small World Phenomenon
The creative universe becomes a creative village wherein all are within steps of all.
Inspired in the sensorial immanence of Borges' transfinites-inspired Alephs.
The Aleph / O Aleph
O God! I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space...
"Dear Sparrow: I am thrilled to receive your email! Thank you for including me in this wonderful matrix."
—Susan Rogers (BOSTON): Director of the Berklee Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory ... Former personal recording engineer for Prince; recorded "Purple Rain", "Sign o' the Times", "Around the World in a Day"
"Thanks, this is a brilliant idea!!"
—Alicia Svigals (NEW YORK CITY): World's premier klezmer violinist
"Dear Sparrow, Many thanks for this – I am touched!"
—Julian Lloyd Webber (LONDON): Premier cellist in UK; brother of Andrew (Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar, Cats, Phantom of the Opera...)
"This is super impressive work ! Congratulations ! Thanks for including me :)))"
—Clarice Assad (RIO DE JANEIRO/CHICAGO): Pianist and composer with works performed by Yo Yo Ma and orchestras around the world
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All is closer than we imagine.
Salvador is our base. If you plan to visit Bahia, there are some things you should probably know and you should first visit:
Conceived under a Spiritus Mundi ranging from the quilombos and senzalas of Cachoeira and Santo Amaro to Havana and the provinces of Cuba to the wards of New Orleans to the South Side of Chicago to the sidewalks of Harlem to the townships of South Africa to the villages of Ireland to the Roma camps of France and Belgium to the Vienna of Beethoven to the shtetls of Eastern Europe...*
* conversation with Raymundo Sodré, who summed up the irony in this sequence by opining for the ages: "Where there's misery, there's music!" Thus A Massa, anthem for the trod-upon folk of Brazil, which blasted from every radio between the Amazon and Brazil's industrial south until Sodré was silenced, threatened with death and forced into exile...
And thus a platform whereupon all creators tend to accessible proximity to all other creators, irrespective of degree of fame, location, or the censor.
Matrix Ground Zero is the Recôncavo, bewitching and bewitched, contouring the resplendent Bay of All Saints (end of clip below, before credits), absolute center of terrestrial gravity for the disembarkation of enslaved human beings (and for the sublimity these people created), the bay presided over by Brazil's ineffable Black Rome (seat of the Integrated Global Creative Economy* and where Bule Bule is seated below, around the corner from where we built this matrix as an extension of our record shop).
Assis Valente's (of Santo Amaro, Bahia) "Brasil Pandeiro" filmed by Betão Aguiar
Betão Aguiar
("Black Rome" is an appellation per Caetano, via Mãe Aninha of Ilê Axé Opô Afonjá.)
*Darius Mans holds a Ph.D. in Economics from MIT, and lives between Washington D.C. and Salvador da Bahia.
Between 2000 and 2004 he served as the World Bank’s Country Director for Mozambique and Angola. In that capacity, Darius led a team which generated $150 million in annual lending to Mozambique, including support for public private partnerships in infrastructure which catalyzed over $1 billion in private investment.
Darius was an economist with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, where he worked closely with the U.S. Treasury and the IMF to establish a framework to avoid debt repudiation and to restructure private commercial debt in Brazil and Chile.
He taught Economics at the University of Maryland and was a consultant to KPMG on infrastructure projects in Latin America.
Replete with Brazilian greatness, but we listened to Miles Davis and Jimmy Cliff in there too; visitors are David Dye & Kim Junod for NPR/WXPN
I'm Pardal here in Brazil (that's "Sparrow" in English). The deep roots of this project are in Manhattan, where Allen Klein (managed the Beatles and The Rolling Stones) called me about royalties for the estate of Sam Cooke... where Jerry Ragovoy (co-wrote Time is On My Side, sung by the Stones; Piece of My Heart, Janis Joplin of course; and Pata Pata, sung by the great Miriam Makeba) called me looking for unpaid royalties... where I did contract and licensing for Carlinhos Brown's participation on Bahia Black with Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock...
...where I rescued unpaid royalties for Aretha Franklin (from Atlantic Records), Barbra Streisand (from CBS Records), Led Zeppelin, Mongo Santamaria, Gilberto Gil, Astrud Gilberto, Airto Moreira, Jim Hall, Wah Wah Watson (Melvin Ragin), Ray Barretto, Philip Glass, Clement "Sir Coxsone" Dodd for his interest in Bob Marley compositions, Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam and others...
...where I worked with Earl "Speedo" Carroll of the Cadillacs (who went from doo-wopping as a kid on Harlem streetcorners to top of the charts to working as a janitor at P.S. 87 in Manhattan without ever losing what it was that made him special in the first place), and with Jake and Zeke Carey of The Flamingos (I Only Have Eyes for You)... stuff like that.
Yeah this is Bob's first record contract, made with Clement "Sir Coxsone" Dodd of Studio One and co-signed by his aunt because he was under 21. I took it to Black Rock to argue with CBS' lawyers about the royalties they didn't want to pay (they paid).
Matrix founding creators are behind "one of 10 of the best (radios) around the world", per The Guardian.
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