Regina Casé
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The Integrated Global Creative Economy
Regina Casé
Salvador, Bahia
Life & Work
Regina nasceu em um quente 25 de fevereiro, durante o Carnaval de 1954, em Botafogo, no Rio de Janeiro, filha de Geraldo César Casé e Heleida Barreto Casé. Ela é neta de Ademar Casé, um dos pioneiros do rádio no Brasil.
Em 1970, Regina descobriu o teatro ao se inscrever casualmente no curso de Sergio Britto. Ao longo do restante da década, ela se dedicou ao palco enquanto conciliava cursos universitários em comunicação, filosofia e história na PUC.
Em 1º de maio de 1974, a atriz fundou o grupo "Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone" com Hamilton Vaz Pereira, Alberto Soares, Luiz Arthur Peixoto e Daniel Dantas. A estreia do grupo foi com a peça "O Inspetor Geral" do dramaturgo russo Nikolai Gogol. Regina recebeu o prêmio Governador do Estado de Melhor Atriz pela performance de destaque.
Em 1977, aos 23 anos, Regina ganhou o Prêmio Molière de Melhor Atriz pela peça "Trate-me Leão", dirigida por Vaz Pereira. O espetáculo foi apresentado no Teatro Ipanema, no Rio de Janeiro, e teve uma temporada no Teatro das Nações, em São Paulo.
Em 1978, Regina fez a transição dos palcos para as telas com uma participação no filme "Chuvas de verão", de Cacá Diegues. No mesmo ano, Arnaldo Jabor escalou a atriz para um papel mais significativo no filme "Tudo bem". Regina recorda a mudança do teatro para o cinema como um salto significativo em sua vida.
Em 1983, Regina trouxe inovação ao palco com a peça "A Farra da Terra", combinando a linguagem do cinema com a performance ao vivo. O espetáculo apresentava projeções ao vivo coordenadas por videomakers, permitindo que a plateia visse as expressões dos atores em mais detalhes. No mesmo ano, Regina continuou a consolidar sua presença na TV com a novela "Guerra dos Sexos" e participações em "Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo" e "Chico Anysio Show".
Em 1986, Regina marcou o Brasil com seu primeiro grande personagem, Albertina Pimenta, também conhecida como Tina Pepper, na novela "Cambalacho", escrita por Sílvio de Abreu e dirigida por Jorge Fernando.
Em 1988, é o início de um dos programas mais importantes na história do humor televisivo brasileiro. A "TV Pirata", com uma equipe de escritores renomados (Luiz Fernando Veríssimo, Pedro Cardoso, Hubert, Bussunda, Cláudio Manoel, Hélio de La Peña, Beto Silva, Marcelo Madureira, entre outros), deixa sua marca na TV brasileira com um formato inovador de esquetes e um tom anárquico. No elenco, ao lado de Regina, estão nomes como Luiz Fernando Guimarães, Débora Bloch, Cláudia Raia, Diogo Vilela, Cristina Pereira e Ney Latorraca. O personagem mais famoso de Regina foi ao lado de Guimarães, como apresentadora do "Casal Telejornal". Em 1989, nasce sua filha, Benedita Casé Zerbini.
Na década de 90, Regina já é uma atriz consolidada no teatro, televisão e cinema. A peça "Nardja Zulpério" estreia no Rio em 1990 e se torna um grande sucesso, permanecendo em cartaz e percorrendo o Brasil durante cinco anos. No mesmo ano, Regina conhece o DJ Marlboro e se aproxima do funk ao gravar o "Melô do Terror" com Luiz Fernando Guimarães, música que se torna tema do "Programa Legal", também apresentado com Guimarães, que foi ao ar entre 1991 e 1992. O programa recebe um "Troféu Imprensa" do SBT como comediante do ano para Regina, além de outras quatro indicações. "Depois do TV Pirata, do grupo de estudos e, principalmente, do meu encontro com o Hermano, que me levou ao encontro de muitas pessoas de universos muito diferentes, comecei a sentir vontade de levar isso para a televisão", conta Regina. "Na mesma época, o Daniel (Filho) me chamou para conversar; ele queria muito que eu tivesse um programa só meu. Então, me propôs um programa essencialmente humorístico. Como eu estava bastante envolvida com todos aqueles universos, com a periferia, sugeri a ele que o programa tivesse, além da ficção, outros temas, mais jornalísticos. Propus uma abordagem antropológica até. Ele aceitou e o Programa Legal acabou sendo isso, um filho das minhas saídas com o Hermano (Vianna). O desafio era transformar aquilo em um programa de televisão".
Em 28 de dezembro de 1994, Regina participa de outro marco na televisão brasileira com o programa "Brasil Legal", transmitido originalmente como parte da programação de fim de ano da Globo. Em maio de 1995, o programa estreia oficialmente. No "Brasil Legal", Regina viaja pelo Brasil e pelo mundo em busca de pessoas, geralmente ilustres desconhecidos, que revelam, por meio de suas histórias, um Brasil diferente para os brasileiros.
O programa dura até 1998, no mesmo ano em que estreia o "Muvuca", um programa semanal que permanece no ar por dois anos. "Por ser um programa semanal, tentamos transferir o que fazíamos no Brasil Legal, indo aos lugares conhecendo as pessoas, para o casarão da Muvuca. Em vez de eu ir até as pessoas, elas é que vinham até mim", relembra Regina. No primeiro ano, o programa ficou confinado a um casarão no Humaitá, onde a apresentadora recebia personalidades, músicos e pessoas comuns. No segundo ano, o programa saiu um pouco da casa e viajou não só pelo Brasil, mas também por Miami e Trinidad e Tobago.
Em 2000, encerra o "Muvuca" e retorna ao cinema com "Eu, Tu, Eles", de Andrucha Waddington. Ao lado de Lima Duarte, Stênio Garcia e Luiz Carlos Vasconcellos, no papel da nordestina Darlene, Regina emociona milhares de espectadores, em uma atuação elogiada até pelo "New York Times", que compara Regina à atriz italiana Anna Magnani. Regina continua com um pé na dramaturgia e outro no comando de programas ao longo da década. Em 2001, atua na novela "As Filhas da Mãe", de Sílvio de Abreu, e estreia o programa "Um Pé De Que?", no Futura, contando a história de várias espécies de árvores, além de relacioná-las com a literatura brasileira. Em 2002, aventura-se na direção ao lado de Fernando Meirelles no episódio "Wólace e João Vitor", que dá origem ao seriado "Cidade dos Homens". Regina viria a dirigir mais dois episódios: "Tem Que Ser Agora", em 2003, "Pais e Filhos", em 2004, que gera uma indicação ao Emmy de melhor ator para Douglas Silva, e "As Aparências Enganam", em 2005.
Em 2006, Regina estreia o especial "Central da Periferia", na Globo. "O Central é fruto de todas as coisas que eu vinha fazendo na televisão: como o Brasil total, o Cidade dos homens, os quadros do Fantástico, o Brasil legal. Foi a forma que encontramos de concentrar tudo isso, focando na periferia", diz a apresentadora. "Fazemos uma espécie de militância intencional mesmo, onde procuramos descriminalizar o espaço da favela e da periferia, onde a maioria das pessoas só passa com o vidro fechado e com a trava do carro travada e mostrar que, mesmo que dali, 10% da população seja de bandidos, existem outros 90% que têm que ir para a escola, para o trabalho. E que se a gente acha que a vida gente tá mal com a violência, imagina quem vive ali". Para a primeira leva do programa, Regina viaja pelo Brasil e revela as periferias do Recife, São Paulo, Belém e Salvador.
O ano de 2007 marca a primeira participação de Regina em uma minissérie, "Amazônia: De Galvez a Chico Mendes", de Glória Perez. A atriz segue com seus quadros no "Fantástico", apresentando agora a série de reportagens "Minha Periferia é o Mundo", focalizadas na vida dos grandes centros urbanos.
Em 2009, a escola de samba paulista Leandro de Itaquera homenageia Regina com o samba "Leandro de Itaquera faz a festa das periferias do Brasil para o mundo… Salve, salve nossa estrela Regina Casé", que destaca o trabalho da atriz e apresentadora, muitas vezes ligada ao tema.
Em 2011, Regina apresenta o programa "Esquenta", que traz várias personalidades da música brasileira para o palco, em um estilo animado e despojado. No programa, Regina continua sua ligação com a periferia, apresentando atrações de estilos musicais como funk e pagode.
Regina was born on a hot February 25th, during the carnival of 1954, in Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, the daughter of Geraldo César Casé and Heleida Barreto Casé. She is the granddaughter of Ademar Casé, one of the pioneers of radio in Brazil.
In 1970, Regina discovered theater when she casually enrolled in Sergio Britto's course. Throughout the rest of the decade, she dedicated herself to the stage while juggling university courses in communication, philosophy, and history at PUC.
On May 1st, 1974, the actress founded the group "Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone" with Hamilton Vaz Pereira, Alberto Soares, Luiz Arthur Peixoto, and Daniel Dantas. The group's debut was with the play "O Inspetor Geral" by Russian playwright Nikolai Gogol. Regina received the Governor of the State award for Best Actress in the breakthrough performance.
In 1977, at the age of 23, Regina won the Molière Award for Best Actress for the play "Trate-me Leão," directed by Vaz Pereira. The show ran at Teatro Ipanema in Rio de Janeiro and had a season at Teatro da Nações in São Paulo.
In 1978, Regina transitioned from the stage to the screen with a role in the film "Chuvas de verão" by Cacá Diegues. That same year, Arnaldo Jabor cast the actress in a more significant role in the movie "Tudo bem." Regina recalls the shift from theater to cinema as a significant leap in her life.
In 1983, Regina brought innovation to the stage with the play "A Farra da Terra," combining cinema language with live performance. The show featured live projections coordinated by videomakers, allowing the audience to see the actors' expressions in more detail. The same year, Regina continued to solidify her presence on TV with the soap opera "Guerra dos Sexos" and appearances on "Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo" and "Chico Anysio Show."
In 1986, Regina made a mark in Brazil with her first major character, Albertina Pimenta, also known as Tina Pepper, in the soap opera "Cambalacho," written by Sílvio de Abreu and directed by Jorge Fernando.
In 1988, one of the most important programs in the history of Brazilian television humor begins. "TV Pirata," with a great team of writers (Luiz Fernando Veríssimo, Pedro Cardoso, Hubert, Bussunda, Cláudio Manoel, Hélio de La Peña, Beto Silva, Marcelo Madureira, among others), leaves its mark on Brazilian TV with an innovative sketch format and an anarchic tone. In the cast, alongside Regina, are stalwarts such as Luiz Fernando Guimarães, Débora Bloch, Cláudia Raia, Diogo Vilela, Cristina Pereira, and Ney Latorraca. Regina's most famous character was alongside Guimarães, as the host of the "Casal Telejornal." In 1989, her daughter, Benedita Casé Zerbini, is born.
In the '90s, Regina is already a well-established actress in theater, television, and cinema. The play "Nardja Zulpério" premieres in Rio in 1990 and becomes a huge success, running and touring Brazil for five years. In the same year, Regina meets DJ Marlboro and gets closer to funk by recording the "Melô do Terror" with Luiz Fernando Guimarães, a song that becomes the theme of the "Programa Legal," also presented with Guimarães, which aired between 1991 and 1992. The show receives a "Troféu Imprensa" from SBT as Comedian of the Year for Regina, along with four other nominations. "After TV Pirata, the study group, and especially my encounter with Hermano, which led me to meet people from very different universes, I started feeling the desire to bring that to television," Regina says. "At the same time, Daniel (Filho) called me for a talk; he really wanted me to have a program of my own. So, he proposed a essentially humorous program. Since I was very involved with all those universes, with the periphery, I suggested to him that the program should have, in addition to fiction, other, more journalistic themes. I proposed an anthropological approach, even. He accepted, and Programa Legal ended up being that, a child of my outings with Hermano (Vianna). The challenge was to turn that into a television program."
On December 28, 1994, Regina participates in another milestone on Brazilian television with the program "Brasil Legal," originally broadcast as part of Globo's year-end programming. In May 1995, the program officially premieres. In "Brasil Legal," Regina travels through Brazil and the world seeking people, often unknown celebrities, who reveal, through their stories, a different Brazil for Brazilians.
The program lasts until 1998, the same year "Muvuca" debuts, a weekly program that remains on the air for two years. "Being a weekly program, we tried to transfer what we did on Brasil Legal, going to places and meeting people, to the Muvuca mansion. Instead of me going to people, they came to me," Regina recalls. In the first year, the program was confined to a mansion in Humaitá, where the presenter received celebrities, musicians, and ordinary people. In the second year, the program left the house a bit and traveled not only throughout Brazil but also to Miami and Trinidad and Tobago.
In 2000, Regina concludes "Muvuca" and returns to cinema with "Eu, Tu, Eles," directed by Andrucha Waddington. Alongside Lima Duarte, Stênio Garcia, and Luiz Carlos Vasconcellos, playing the northeastern Darlene, Regina moves thousands of viewers, with a performance praised even by the New York Times, which compares Regina to Italian actress Anna Magnani. Regina continues with one foot in dramaturgy and the other in hosting programs throughout the decade. In 2001, she acts in the soap opera "As Filhas da Mãe," written by Sílvio de Abreu, and debuts the program "Um Pé De Que?," on Futura, telling the story of various tree species, relating them to Brazilian literature. In 2002, she ventures into directing alongside Fernando Meirelles in the episode "Wólace e João Vitor," which gives rise to the series "Cidade dos Homens." Regina would go on to direct two more episodes: "Tem Que Ser Agora," in 2003, "Pais e Filhos," in 2004, which generates an Emmy nomination for best actor for Douglas Silva, and "As Aparências Enganam," in 2005.
In 2006, Regina debuts the special "Central da Periferia" on Globo. "The Central is the result of everything I had been doing on television: like Brasil total, Cidade dos homens, the segments on Fantástico, Brasil legal. It was the way we found to concentrate all of that, focusing on the periphery," says the presenter. "We do a kind of intentional activism, where we seek to decriminalize the space of the favela and the periphery, where most people only pass with closed windows and locked car doors, and show that even if 10% of the population there are criminals, there are another 90% who have to go to school, to work. And if we think that our lives are troubled by violence, imagine those who live there." For the first batch of the program, Regina travels through Brazil and reveals the outskirts of Recife, São Paulo, Belém, and Salvador.
The year 2007 marks Regina's first participation in a miniseries, "Amazônia: De Galvez a Chico Mendes," by Glória Perez. The actress continues with her segments on "Fantástico," now presenting the series of reports "Minha Periferia é o Mundo," focused on the life of major urban centers.
In 2009, the São Paulo samba school Leandro de Itaquera honors Regina with the samba "Leandro de Itaquera throws a party for the peripheries of Brazil for the world... Hail, our star Regina Casé," which highlights the work of the actress and presenter, often connected to the theme.
In 2011, Regina hosts the program "Esquenta," bringing various personalities from Brazilian music to the stage in an animated and laid-back style. On the show, Regina continues her connection with the periphery, featuring attractions from musical styles like funk and pagode.
Clips (more may be added)
There are certain countries, the names of which fire the popular imagination. Brazil is one of them; an amalgam of primitive and sophisticated, jungle and elegance, luscious jazz harmonics — there’s no other place like it in the world. And while Rio de Janeiro, or its fame anyway, tends toward the sophisticated end of the spectrum, Bahia bends toward the atavistic…
It’s like a trick of the mind’s light (I suppose), but standing on beach or escarpment in Salvador and looking out across the Baía de Todos os Santos to the great Recôncavo, and mindful of what happened there (and here; the Bahian Recôncavo was final port-of-call for more enslaved human beings than any other place throughout the entirety of mankind’s existence on this planet, and in the past it extended into what is now urban Salvador), one must be led to the inevitable conclusion that one is in a place unique to history, and to the present:
Brazil absorbed over ten times the number of enslaved Africans taken to the United States of America, and is a repository of African deities (and their music) now largely forgotten in their lands of origin.
Brazil was a refuge (of sorts) for Sephardim fleeing an Inquisition which followed them across the Atlantic (that unofficial symbol of Brazil’s national music — the pandeiro — was almost certainly brought to Brazil by these people).
Across the parched savannas of the interior of Brazil’s culturally fecund nordeste/northeast (where wizard Hermeto Pascoal was born in Lagoa da Canoa — Lagoon of the Canoe — and raised in Olho d’Águia — Eye of the Eagle), much of Brazil’s aboriginal population was absorbed into a caboclo/quilombola culture punctuated by the Star of David.
Three cultures — from three continents — running for their lives, their confluence forming an unprecedented fourth. Pandeirista on the roof.
That's where this Matrix begins:
Wolfram MathWorld
The idea is simple, powerful, and egalitarian: To propagate for them, the Matrix must propagate for all. Most in the world are within six degrees of us. The concept of a "small world" network (see Wolfram above) applies here, placing artists from the Recôncavo and the sertão, from Salvador... from Brooklyn, Berlin and Mombassa... musicians, writers, filmmakers... clicks (recommendations) away from their peers all over the planet.
This Integrated Global Creative Economy (we invented the concept) uncoils from Brazil's sprawling Indigenous, African, Sephardic and then Ashkenazic, Arabic, European, Asian cultural matrix... expanding like the canopy of a rainforest tree rooted in Bahia, branches spreading to embrace the entire world...
Recent Visitors Map
Great culture is great power.
And in a small world great things are possible.
Alicia Svigals
"Thanks, this is a brilliant idea!!"
—Alicia Svigals (NEW YORK CITY): Apotheosis of klezmer violinists
"Dear Sparrow: I am thrilled to receive your email! Thank you for including me in this wonderful matrix."
—Susan Rogers (BOSTON): Director of the Berklee Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory ... Former personal recording engineer for Prince; "Purple Rain", "Sign o' the Times", "Around the World in a Day"
"Dear Sparrow, Many thanks for this – I am touched!"
—Julian Lloyd Webber (LONDON): Premier cellist in UK; brother of Andrew (Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar, Cats, Phantom of the Opera...)
"This is super impressive work ! Congratulations ! Thanks for including me :)))"
—Clarice Assad (RIO DE JANEIRO/CHICAGO): Pianist and composer with works performed by Yo Yo Ma and orchestras around the world
"We appreciate you including Kamasi in the matrix, Sparrow."
—Banch Abegaze (LOS ANGELES): manager, Kamasi Washington
"Thanks! It looks great!....I didn't write 'Cantaloupe Island' though...Herbie Hancock did! Great Page though, well done! best, Randy"
"Very nice! Thank you for this. Warmest regards and wishing much success for the project! Matt"
—Son of Jimmy Garrison (bass for John Coltrane, Bill Evans...); plays with Herbie Hancock and other greats...
I opened the shop in Salvador, Bahia in 2005 in order to create an outlet to the wider world for magnificent Brazilian musicians.
David Dye & Kim Junod for NPR found us (above), and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (he's a huge jazz fan), David Byrne, Oscar Castro-Neves... Spike Lee walked past the place while I was sitting on the stoop across the street drinking beer and listening to samba from the speaker in the window...
But we weren't exactly easy for the world-at-large to get to. So in order to extend the place's ethos I transformed the site associated with it into a network wherein Brazilian musicians I knew would recommend other Brazilian musicians, who would recommend others...
And as I anticipated, the chalky hand of God-as-mathematician intervened: In human society — per the small-world phenomenon — most of the billions of us on earth are within some 6 or fewer degrees of each other. Likewise, within a network of interlinked artists as I've described above, most of these artists will in the same manner be at most a handful of steps away from each other.
So then, all that's necessary to put the Brazilians within possible purview of the wide wide world is to include them among a wide wide range of artists around that world.
If, for example, Quincy Jones is inside the matrix, then anybody on his page — whether they be accessing from a campus in L.A., a pub in Dublin, a shebeen in Cape Town, a tent in Mongolia — will be close, transitable steps away from Raymundo Sodré, even if they know nothing of Brazil and are unaware that Sodré sings/dances upon this planet. Sodré, having been knocked from the perch of fame and ground into anonymity by Brazil's dictatorship, has now the alternative of access to the world-at-large via recourse to the vast potential of network theory. the degree that other artists et al — writers, researchers, filmmakers, painters, choreographers...everywhere — do also. Artificial intelligence not required. Real intelligence, yes.
Years ago in NYC (I've lived here in Brazil for 32 years now) I "rescued" unpaid royalties (performance & mechanical) for artists/composers including Barbra Streisand, Aretha Franklin, Mongo Santamaria, Jim Hall, Clement "Coxsone" Dodd (for his rights in Bob Marley compositions; Clement was Bob's first producer), Led Zeppelin, Ray Barretto, Philip Glass and many others. Aretha called me out of the blue vis-à-vis money owed by Atlantic Records. Allen Klein (managed The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Ray Charles) called about money due the estate of Sam Cooke. Jerry Ragovoy (Time Is On My Side, Piece of My Heart) called just to see if he had any unpaid money floating around out there (the royalty world was a shark-filled jungle, to mangle metaphors, and I doubt it's changed).
But the pertinent client (and friend) in the present context is Earl "Speedo" Carroll, of The Cadillacs. Earl went from doo-wopping on Harlem streetcorners to chart-topping success to working as a custodian at PS 87 elementary school on the west side of Manhattan. Through all of this he never lost what made him great.
Greatness and fame are too often conflated. The former should be accessible independently of the latter.
Yeah this is Bob's first record contract, made with Clement "Sir Coxsone" Dodd of Studio One and co-signed by his aunt because he was under 21. I took it to Black Rock to argue with CBS' lawyers about the royalties they didn't want to pay (they paid).
Matrix founding creators are behind "one of 10 of the best (radios) around the world", per The Guardian.
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