“Amelia” by Joni Mitchell - Robert Everest with Godin and Roland GR-1 guitar synth.

Go to → Robert Everest
I have admired Joni Mitchell for decades and have always loved this song, but until watching Rick Beato‘s video “ what makes this song great?” I had never tried to tackle it before. Now, with the proper knowledge and equipment, I decided to embark on the challenge. I recorded this video on a whim the very same night that I started to learn the song after 6 hours of dedicated practice. Singing the intricate melody is by far the hardest part, so please forgive me for the mistakes if you are a big JM fan. I am trying to capture the spontaneity of this magical moment and embrace the imperfection! :) (Just a sidenote: the song ended up in C# tuning rather than C, because it felt a little better on guitar)
Posted August 4, 2022
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