The Erchless Scout by Duncan Chisholm

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The first tune was written in honour of my grandfather, Duncan Chisholm. He lived most of his adult life at Erchless in Strathglass, where he worked as a gamekeeper. During the early part of WW2 he served with the B.E.F as a sniper and managed to escape from Dunkirk. He then joined the Lovat Scouts and was sent to the Commando Training Camp at Inverailort to teach fieldcraft and survival techniques. During the prep work for the 'Affric' album I wrote 'The Erchless Scout' with my grandfather in mind, subsequent to writing the music for the BBC documentary 'Castle Commando' There can be no more inspiring moment in your life than when a child is born. My eldest son Isaac was born in 2009 and this tune came bursting out of me at that moment. The track is performed live on this clip, accompanied by a core traditional band and a string / brass ensemble."
Posted May 5, 2021
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