Camille Thurman and Darrell Green: Alone Together Duets | JAZZ NIGHT IN AMERICA

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Six weeks ago, we launched this video series to give us a glimpse of some fabulous creative partnerships manifesting in isolation. But at this moment, as America slowly opens up, our nation has found itself in the midst of a vital discussion on race and equality. For this Alone Together Duet, tenor saxophonist and member of the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra Camille Thurman joins drummer Darrell Green to offer a firm musical message to the community: "Stand Tall." "We have witnessed members of our community being senselessly murdered since the inception of slavery in America, as well as losing many loved ones and elders due to COVID-19," Thurman says. "This song is in memory of all of their lives, but also serves as a reminder and encouragement to us as a community to keep standing tall."
Posted September 16, 2020
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