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As the weeks of isolation rack up and images of the world before begin to fade from my mind, I wanted to synthesize some of my emotions and thoughts from isolation. This pandemic has left me feeling powerless, stemming from the idea of losing things I wasn't prepared to lose, or even thought could be lost. Looking at this footage from last summer provided something different. I can’t help but feel immense gratitude. For family and friends, but also the collective human experience. I miss the sounds of kids in parks, and the electricity of walking down broadway. I miss impromptu jazz concerts and I miss gazing up at explosions in the sky with thousands of strangers. I’m in awe of how good we have it here, on this planet. What a privilege to feel the wind on my face, to experience life alongside all of you. And how humbling it is to see how easily it can be taken away. However we move forward, I hope we carry the lessons from this pandemic with us, to build a better world on the other side. Shot, Edited and Scored: Jake Oleson Colored: Jared Rosenthal
Posted June 10, 2020
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