Niwel Tsumbu with Éamonn Cagney - Words of wisdom Official Video

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Featuring the acclaimed violinist Cora Venus Lunny and a multitude of sampled wisdom keepers such as: Maya Angelou, Malala Yousafzai, Neil DeGrasse, Jane Goodall and Joseph Campbell, "Words of wisdom" explores the planetary and human challenges we face in our society today: Maya Angelou speaks about courage as the foundation for right action, compassion and kindness, Malala Yousafzai speaks of the simplicity of equality and the importance of education for every child, Neil DeGrasse Tyson tells us to persist until we have made a difference,Joseph Campbell wants us to follow our bliss and Jane Goodall begs us to eliminate the crippling poverty around the world. Performed by Niwel Tsumbu/guitar Eamonn Cagney/percussions String Arrangement by Niwel Tsumbu Performed by Cora Venus Lunny Sample Speeches by Maya Angelou,Joseph Campbell,Malala Yousafzai,Jane Goodall and Neil Degrasse Tyson
Posted July 8, 2021
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