New Play Pays Homage to “Negro Folklore from Texas State Prisons” | 112BK

Go to → Eric Berryman
In 1965, Elektra Records released an LP called Negro Folklore from Texas State Prisons. The album featured work songs, blues, spirituals, preachings, and toasts all recorded by the American folklorist and ethnographer Bruce Jackson. The African-American men whose voices appear on the record were serving time, doing hard labor on prison farms, many of which, in a former life, were family-owned plantations worked by slaves. This album is the foundation of a play being mounted by The Wooster Group at St. Ann's Warehouse. "The B-Side" opens on March 1, 2019, and to tell us more we're joined in the studio by director Kate Valk and Eric Berryman, main performer and conceiver of the project. And then, hear from Bruce Jackson himself.
Posted Jan 15
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