Brian Cross - B+ and Global Music Culture

Go to → Brian Cross aka B+
B+ (aka Brian Cross) was born and raised in Limerick, Ireland and he attended the National College of Art and Design in Dublin graduating in 1989 with a degree in painting. Cross was the director of photography for the Academy Award–nominated documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop, and he has directed and produced several feature-length documentaries (Keepintime, Brasilintime and Timeless: Suite for Ma Dukes) and many short-form music films. Cross is an artist who has achieved great distinction in the intersecting fields of cinema, music and cultural studies. He creates performative documentaries, videos, and photographs whose subject matter is primarily concerned with global music culture, particularly, though not limited to, the genre of Hip Hop. His book ‘Ghostnotes: Music of the Unplayed’ was published by University of Texas Press in late 2017.
Posted July 18, 2022
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