Mad Love: Serwah Attafuah

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"In Serwah Attafuah’s radical career, one thing can be sure. She has unapologetically done things her way. Initially, Attafuah made noise for herself across the Australian music scene in politically charged bands NASHO, MANA, and DISPOSSESSED. Recently she has cemented her name as one of Sydney’s pioneering digital artists. Her work fuses an array of dystopic imagery into a neon-lit digital wasteland of tattoo adorned cyborgs and futuristic humanoids brandishing pistols and Air Max TN’s. Attafuah’s boundary-pushing images have led to musicians, artists, and punters alike clamouring to her wholly original visions of the future like an astral projection beaconing across a sea of hazy stars."
Posted February 12, 2022
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