Asali Solomon's The Days of Afrekete | Official Trailer | BookClub

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Liselle Belmont’s husband has lost his bid for the state legislature. As a last “hurrah,” she decides to plan a dinner party for his supporters, but questions and doubts accumulate once she learns he might be indicted for corruption. Can this be true? Who has Liselle become? And how is she going to make it through this awkward dinner party? Liselle reaches out to her ex-lover, Selena, and the two women re-enter each other’s lives. Author Asali Solomon deftly shifts between past and present, building up to a stunning finale. Inspired by Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, Toni Morrison’s Sula, and Audre Lorde’s Zami, The Days of Afrekete examines the choices that shape us and the potential we have to rediscover ourselves. Explore the novel’s deeper questions about race, class, and the power of human connection with conversations between Belletrist Co-Founder Karah Preiss and the author herself.
Posted January 25, 2022
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