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by Matrix
Network Node
Juninho Costa Fenix
Salvador, Bahia
Rio de Janeiro
Life & Work
Juninho Costa, mais conhecido como Junix 11, é guitarrista, multinstrumentista e produtor musical cuja versatilidade é evidenciada em um extenso currículo. Sua experiência abrange desde gravações e apresentações em todo o Brasil até turnês internacionais pelos Estados Unidos, Europa e Ásia, além de colaborações com diversos artistas e bandas renomadas, como Baiana System, Arto Lindsay, Lucas Santtana, Carlinhos Brown, Ivete Sangalo, entre outros.
Como produtor, Juninho deixou sua marca em projetos significativos, incluindo a produção do álbum "Mansa Fúria" da cantora e compositora Josyara, pelo Edital Natura Musical 2018, e participações nos projetos "Nancyta e os Grazzers" / Nancy Viegas (em parceria com o produtor André T), "O Batuque do Vigia" / Vince de Mira, e no DVD e CD "À Flor da Pele" / Rebeca Matta (produção coletiva), além de contribuir para a coletânea "Musicavisual" do Atelier Coletivo VISIO.
No cenário internacional, Juninho teve a oportunidade de trabalhar no Canadá e nos Estados Unidos entre 2009 e 2010, colaborando com o renomado Cirque du Soleil durante a criação e apresentações do espetáculo "OVO", sob a direção artística de Deborah Colker e direção musical de Berna Ceppas.
Explorando diversas facetas da música, Juninho também se destaca como artista sonoro, envolvendo-se na criação de trilhas para videoarte e retrilhagem ao vivo (live cinema), além de participar de performances de livre improvisação e reconstrução de temas autorais. Sua presença é marcante em eventos como as Mostras de Experimentações Sonoras e Visuais NOIS[E] INVADE, em Salvador e Portugal, assim como em obras do grupo de pesquisa e experimentação artística ECOARTE e na instalação audiovisual "Contornos da Crença", do norte-americano Matt Sheridan.
Autodidata e filho de músico, Juninho iniciou sua trajetória profissional na música em 1990, no Rio de Janeiro, antes de se mudar para Salvador em 1994, onde reside até os dias atuais, deixando um legado de inovação e criatividade no cenário musical brasileiro e internacional.
Juninho Costa, better known as Junix 11, is a guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, and music producer whose versatility is evidenced in an extensive resume. His experience spans from recordings and performances throughout Brazil to international tours in the United States, Europe, and Asia, as well as collaborations with various renowned artists and bands such as Baiana System, Arto Lindsay, Lucas Santtana, Carlinhos Brown, Ivete Sangalo, among others.
As a producer, Juninho has made his mark on significant projects, including producing the album "Mansa Fúria" by singer-songwriter Josyara, through the Natura Musical 2018 Call for Proposals, and contributions to projects such as "Nancyta e os Grazzers" / Nancy Viegas (in partnership with producer André T), "O Batuque do Vigia" / Vince de Mira, and the DVD and CD "À Flor da Pele" / Rebeca Matta (collective production), as well as contributing to the compilation "Musicavisual" by the VISIO Collective Atelier.
Internationally, Juninho had the opportunity to work in Canada and the United States between 2009 and 2010, collaborating with the renowned Cirque du Soleil during the creation and performances of the show "OVO," under the artistic direction of Deborah Colker and musical direction of Berna Ceppas.
Exploring various facets of music, Juninho also stands out as a sound artist, involved in creating soundtracks for video art and live re-scoring (live cinema), as well as participating in performances of free improvisation and reconstruction of original themes. His presence is significant in events such as the NOIS[E] INVADE Sound and Visual Experimentation Shows, in Salvador and Portugal, as well as in works of the artistic research and experimentation group ECOARTE and in the audiovisual installation "Contours of Belief" by the American artist Matt Sheridan.
Self-taught and the son of a musician, Juninho began his professional journey in music in 1990, in Rio de Janeiro, before moving to Salvador in 1994, where he still resides, leaving a legacy of innovation and creativity in the Brazilian and international music scene.
Quotes, Notes & Etc.
Experiência profissional com os artistas/ projetos
Baiana System _ Carlinhos Brown _ Ivete Sangalo_ Lucas Santtana _ Arto Lindsay _ Marisa Monte_ Gilberto Gil _ Ana Carolina _ Miyazawa (Japão) _ Cirque du Soleil (Espetáculo “OVO” direção artística: Deborah Colker/ direção musical: Berna Ceppas) _ Tiganá Santana _ Davi Moraes _ Arnaldo Antunes _ Bárbara Eugênia _ Pepeu Gomes Baby do Brasil _ Margareth Menezes _ Timbalada _ Manu Lafer _ Melvin Gibbs (USA) Micah Gaugh (USA)_ Letiéres Leite & Orkestra Rumpilezz _ Cézar Mendes _ Guizado _ Márcia Castro _ Agbeokuta AfroJazz _ Crac! _ Nikima/Contrabando Brasileira _ Ronei Jorge e os Ladrões de Bicicleta _ Chico Correa _ RadioMundi _ Rebeca Matta _ Tropical Selvagem _ Giovani Cidreira.
Apresentações em shows/ festivais/ tours internacionais
* Show A DÚVIDA com Arto Lindsay - Junix 11 - João Milet Meirelles - Teatro Vila Velha, Salvador, BA
* Live OMSINAMAX no Festival DIGITÁLIA - Teatro do Goethe-Institut Salvador
* Live RE:FORMA com Andrea May no Festival CMC (Ciclo de Música Contemporanea) - Teatro do Goethe-Institut (BA)
* Live solo "transitorium" no Projeto Noise Invade Galerias - Galeria Cañizares (BA)
* Gravação disco BaianaSystem - Studio Red Bull Station (SP)
* Solo performance no NOISE INVADE Redux - Mercadão.CC em Salvador (BA)
* Produção musical do disco "Mansa Fúria" de JOSYARA pelo edital Natura Musical 2018
* Mostra Artística Releituras Estéticas 1ª edição: Maré - Centro Cultural Brasil México (CCBM)
* Shows com BaianaSystem: Sesc Pompéia (SP) / Sesc Campo Limpo (SP) / Fundição Progresso (SP) / BS + Nação Zumbi em Recife (PE) / Carnaval do Pelourinho (BA) / Furdunço Salvador (BA) / Carnaval em SP / BS + O Rappa em Fortaleza (CE) / Auditório Ibirapuera (SP) / Sesc 24 de Maio (SP) / Toca Festival (RJ) / Curitiba (PR) / Festival Bananada em Goiânia (GO) / BS + Lourimbau (BA) / Amarante - PORTUGAL / Gravação para Holy Nothing em Lisboa - PORTUGAL / Sines - PORTUGAL / Londres - INGLATERRA / New York - USA / Maringá (PR) / Santiago - CHILE / BS + Rumpistol na Cidade das Artes (RJ) / Festival Rock The Mountain em Itaipava (RJ)
* Gravação programa Clubversão da HBO com Jardes Macalé, Ana Lomelino, German Cohen, M.Takara, Tomás Oliveira e Fábio Pinczowski (Estúdio 12Dólares / SP)
* Shows com BaianaSystem: VIVO Rio/ Rio de Janeiro - Audio Club/ SP com Nação Zumbi - Festival Bananada / Goiânia - Music Hall/ BH - Baile Perfumado / Recife - Pelourinho com participação de Bule-Bule / Salvador - Estádio Nacional Mané Garrincha / Brasília - Festival LOLLAPALOOZA / SP - Furdunço e no Carnaval 2017/ Salvador - Museu do Ritmo com Luiz Caldas/ Salvador - PEPSI TWIST LAND com participação de Larissa Luz/ Rio de Janeiro - Memorial da América Latina/ SP - Festival Guaiamum Treloso/ Recife - BeachSound Praia do Forte/ BA
* Prêmio BRAVO Melhor Show e Melhor Disco "Duas Cidades" BaianaSystem
* Show Giovani Cidreira na COMMONS Studio Bar, Salvador
* Live Odoyá Experience em Festival Oferendas 2017 no LÁLÁ, Salvador
* Show Giovani Cidreira em NO AR COQUETEL MOLOTOV, Museu do Ritmo - Salvador
* Shows com BaianaSystem no Reveillon de Salvador - FESTIVAL DE VERÃO, Arena Fonte Nova /Salvador - Florianópolis - Rock Concha, Concha Acústica TCA/Salvador - COQUETEL MOLOTOV / Pernambuco - Festival Contato, São Carlos/ SP - COALA Festival/ SP - Festival de Inverno, Vitoria da Conquista / BA - Projeto "Revilavolta" - Teatro Vila Velha/ Salvador - Festival Percurso/ SP - Baile PlaySom, Barra Hall / Salvador - Audio Club/ SP - lançamento CD "Duas Cidades" BaianaSystem - participação Siba no SESC Pompéia/ SP - Gravação dos programas Metrópolis e Cultura Livre / SP - Concha Acústica do TCA com Ney Matogrosso/ Salvador
* Show Giovani Cidreira no FESTIVAL RADIOCA, Trapiche Barnabé - Salvador
* Livre improvisação com Peter Jacquemyn (Bélgica) e Edbrass Brasil no Low-Fi Processos Criativos, Casa Preta - Salvador
* Gravação no CD Pirombeira
* Livre improvisação com M.Takara no Low-Fi Processos Criativos, Coaty - Salvador
* Residência artística PULSO na RED BULL STATION - SP
* Show com Pirombeira no Circuito Música Bahia, Caixa Cultural em Salvador
* Gravação CD "Duas Cidades" BaianaSystem
* Luvebox FX retrilhagem ao vivo para filme de Maya Deren - Projeto LOW-FI (Teatro Gregório de Mattos)
* ODOYÁ EXPERIENCE - Festival Oferendas na Festa de Yemanjá (Salvador)
* Luvebox FX em Festival PAISAGEM SONORA - Cachoeira/ Bahia
* PERTO DE LÁ | CLOSE TO THERE Conexão Salvador-Chicago (Museu de Arte da Bahia)
* NOIS[E] INVADE Mostra de experimentações sonoras e visuais - Fórum Cultural de Cerveira - Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal
* Live para instalação audiovisual “Contornos da Crença” do artista visual norte-americano Matt Sheridan.
2012 - Arto Lindsay - Berns Salonger/ Stockholm - Suécia
* Baiana System_WOMEX11 - Dinamarca
* Projeto Quatro Cantos/ Luigi Bertolli (DVD)
* Arto Lindsay - Barcelona (Festival PRIMAVERA SOUND) / Milão (Festival AUDIOVISIVA)
2009/ 2010 - "Cirque du Soleil" (OvO) - Tour Canadá - Montreal, Quebéc e Toronto - tour EUA- San Francisco e San José.
2008 - "SubAquatico" no Festival MADA (Música Alimento da Alma) em Natal (RN)
2006 - "Ivete Sangalo" - tour Europa e E.U.A e 2 edições do Rock in Rio (Lisboa)
2003 – "Carlito Marron"/ Carlinhos Brown – tour Europa e USA: Roskilde – Dinamarca/ Amsterdã Roots Festival - Holanda/ Barbican Center – Londres/ La Noche del Fonseca, Coliseum, Jardin de Viveros, Festival de Guitarra de Córdoba, Vila Conde Duque – Espanha/ Lincoln Center - NY/ Nice Jazz – França/ Pirineos Sur – Espanha/ Fiesta – Roma/ Festivales de Navarra - Espanha/ Para Vigo Me Voy – Espanha.
2002 - Arto Lindsay - tour Oriente Médio, Europa e Japão:
Babylon (Istambul) Turquia/ Vooruit Arts Centre (Gent) Belgica/ Bimhuis (Amsterdã) Holanda/ Statgarden (Koln) Alemanha/ Post Tenebras Rock (Geneva) Suiça/ Arteplage – (Neuchatel) Suiça/ Universal Hall (Skopje) Macedonia/ Szene (Vien) – Áustria/ Tranenpalast (Berlin) - Alemanha/ Zo Centro Culturale (Catania) – Itália/ Café de la Danse - Paris/ Tokio, Shizuoka e Osaka - Japão.
2001 – "Bahia do mundo mito e verdade"/ Carlinhos Brown – tour Europa e Japão: Pirineos Sur – Espanha/ Forte Conde Duque - Madrid/ Barcelona/ França/ Fabrik (Hamburgo) - Alemanha/ Roskilde – Dinamarca/ Parque das Nações – Lisboa/ Amsterdã – Holanda/ Tokio, Shizuoka e Osaka - Japão.
1999 – “Omelete Man”/ Carlinhos Brown - tour USA , Europa e Japão: Roxy – Boston/ JVC Festival (Bacon Theatre) - NY/ San Francisco Design Center - San Francisco/ Hollywood Bowl - Los Angeles/ La Villette – Paris/ Vienne Jazz Festival – França/ Roskilde – Dinamarca/ Milano, Roma, Lucca – Itália/ North Sea Jazz – Hollanda/ Royal Festival Hall – Londres/ Madrid, Malaga, Barcelona – Espanha/ Paleo Festival – Suíça/ Melkweg – Amsterdã/ Fabrik e Kulturufer – Alemanha/ Water Festival – Suécia/ Samba Festival – Áustria/ Helsinki Festival- Finlândia/ Kuz Sommer Festival - Alemanha / Tribute to the love generation (Tokio), Daiba, Minato Ku - Japão.
1997 – “Alfagamabetizado”/ Carlinhos Brown - tour Europa: Arezzo Wave, Bellerusse Festival e Milano Festival – Itália/ Montreaux Jazz - Suíça/ Tubingen Festival, Kuz Sommer Festival, Fabrik e Moers Festival – Alemanha/ North Sea Jazz Festival – Hollanda/ Franc Folie e Nice Jazz Festival - França / Sfinks Festival – Bélgica/ Womad Festival – Inglaterra/ Johnny Walker Festival, La Mar de Musicas, Apollo Festival, Pirineos Sur e Bilbao - Espanha.
Clips (more may be added)
We use the mathematics of the small world phenomenon to transform the creative universe into a creative village wherein all are connected by short pathways to all... (Wolfram explains how above)
This Integrated Global Creative Economy uncoils from a sprawling Indigenous, African, Sephardic and then Ashkenazic, Arabic, European, Asian cultural matrix...
Great culture is great power. From Brazil.
"Thanks, this is a brilliant idea!!"
—Alicia Svigals (NEW YORK CITY): Apotheosis of klezmer violinists
"Dear Sparrow: I am thrilled to receive your email! Thank you for including me in this wonderful matrix."
—Susan Rogers (BOSTON): Director of the Berklee Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory ... Former personal recording engineer for Prince; "Purple Rain", "Sign o' the Times", "Around the World in a Day"
"Dear Sparrow, Many thanks for this – I am touched!"
—Julian Lloyd Webber (LONDON): Premier cellist in UK; brother of Andrew (Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar, Cats, Phantom of the Opera...)
"This is super impressive work ! Congratulations ! Thanks for including me :)))"
—Clarice Assad (RIO DE JANEIRO/CHICAGO): Pianist and composer with works performed by Yo Yo Ma and orchestras around the world
"We appreciate you including Kamasi in the matrix, Sparrow."
—Banch Abegaze (LOS ANGELES): manager, Kamasi Washington
"Thanks! It looks great!....I didn't write 'Cantaloupe Island' though...Herbie Hancock did! Great Page though, well done! best, Randy"
Our Matrix was conceived under a Spiritus Mundi ranging from the quilombos and senzalas of Cachoeira and Santo Amaro to Havana and the provinces of Cuba to the wards of New Orleans to the South Side of Chicago to the sidewalks of Harlem to the townships of South Africa to the villages of Ireland to the Roma camps of France and Belgium to the Vienna of Beethoven to the shtetls of Eastern Europe...*
* conversation with Raymundo Sodré, who summed up the irony in this sequence by opining for the ages: "Where there's misery, there's music!" Hence A Massa, anthem for the trod-upon folk of Brazil, which blasted from every radio between the Amazon and Brazil's industrial south until...
And hence a platform whereupon all creators tend to accessible proximity to all other creators, irrespective of degree of fame, location, or the censor.
Matrix Ground Zero is the Recôncavo, bewitching and bewitched, contouring the resplendent Bay of All Saints (end of clip below, before credits), absolute center of terrestrial gravity for the disembarkation of enslaved human beings (and for the sublimity these people created), the bay presided over by Brazil's ineffable Black Rome (where Bule Bule is seated below, around the corner from where we built this matrix as an extension of our record shop).
Assis Valente's (of Santo Amaro, Bahia) "Brasil Pandeiro" filmed by Betão Aguiar
Betão Aguiar
("Black Rome" is an appellation per Caetano, via Mãe Aninha of Ilê Axé Opô Afonjá.)
Replete with Brazilian greatness, but we listened to Miles Davis and Jimmy Cliff in there too; visitors are David Dye & Kim Junod for NPR/WXPN
I opened the shop in Salvador, Bahia in 2005 in order to create an outlet to the wider world for magnificent Brazilian musicians.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar found us (he's a huge jazz fan), David Byrne, Oscar Castro-Neves... Spike Lee walked past the place while I was sitting on the stoop across the street drinking beer and listening to samba from the speaker in the window...
But we weren't exactly easy for the world-at-large to get to. So in order to extend the place's ethos I transformed the site associated with it into a network wherein Brazilian musicians I knew would recommend other Brazilian musicians, who would recommend others...
And as I anticipated, the chalky hand of God-as-mathematician intervened: In human society — per the small-world phenomenon — most of the billions of us on earth are within some 6 or fewer degrees of each other. Likewise, within a network of interlinked artists as I've described above, most of these artists will in the same manner be at most a handful of steps away from each other.
So then, all that's necessary to put the Brazilians within possible purview of the wide wide world is to include them among a wide wide range of artists around that world.
If, for example, Quincy Jones is inside the matrix, then anybody on his page — whether they be accessing from a campus in L.A., a pub in Dublin, a shebeen in Cape Town, a tent in Mongolia — will be close, transitable steps away from Raymundo Sodré, even if they know nothing of Brazil and are unaware that Sodré sings/dances upon this planet. Sodré, having been knocked from the perch of fame and ground into anonymity by Brazil's dictatorship, has now the alternative of access to the world-at-large via recourse to the vast potential of network theory. the degree that other artists et al — writers, researchers, filmmakers, painters, choreographers...everywhere — do also. Artificial intelligence not required. Real intelligence, yes.
The deep roots of this project are in Manhattan, where Allen Klein (managed the Beatles and The Rolling Stones) called me about royalties for the estate of Sam Cooke... where Jerry Ragovoy (co-wrote Time is On My Side, sung by the Stones; Piece of My Heart, Janis Joplin of course; and Pata Pata, sung by the great Miriam Makeba) called me looking for unpaid royalties... where I did contract and licensing for Carlinhos Brown's participation on Bahia Black with Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock...
...where I rescued unpaid royalties for Aretha Franklin (from Atlantic Records), Barbra Streisand (from CBS Records), Led Zeppelin, Mongo Santamaria, Gilberto Gil, Astrud Gilberto, Airto Moreira, Jim Hall, Wah Wah Watson (Melvin Ragin), Ray Barretto, Philip Glass, Clement "Sir Coxsone" Dodd for his interest in Bob Marley compositions, Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam and others...
...where I worked with Earl "Speedo" Carroll of the Cadillacs (who went from doo-wopping as a kid on Harlem streetcorners to top of the charts to working as a janitor at P.S. 87 in Manhattan without ever losing what it was that made him special in the first place), and with Jake and Zeke Carey of The Flamingos (I Only Have Eyes for You)... stuff like that.
Yeah this is Bob's first record contract, made with Clement "Sir Coxsone" Dodd of Studio One and co-signed by his aunt because he was under 21. I took it to Black Rock to argue with CBS' lawyers about the royalties they didn't want to pay (they paid).
Matrix founding creators are behind "one of 10 of the best (radios) around the world", per The Guardian.
Salvador is our base. If you plan to visit Bahia, there are some things you should probably know and you should first visit:
Across the creative universe... For another list, reload page.
This list is random, and incomplete. Reload the page for another list.